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Reunion Chatter
Friday, 20 August 2010
Friday, Oct. 1 - Potluck Supper

Friday Potluck Supper

Name and item(s) you will be bringing.

Posted by carolinafamilyreunion at 11:20 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 20 August 2010 1:43 PM EDT
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Friday, 20 August 2010 - 7:01 PM EDT

Name: "Molly Forman"

Bacon Wrapped Stuffed jalapenos, chicken wings

Saturday, 21 August 2010 - 8:59 PM EDT

Name: "Karen"

Italian (hot) sausage lasagna.  Molly my mouth is watering for those jalapenos.

Sunday, 22 August 2010 - 12:06 PM EDT

Name: "Kevin"

I have no idea….I’ll find something on the drive down from Mo-Town.  I'm sure the local grocery store will have something.  Alcohol!!!!!  :))))))))

Monday, 30 August 2010 - 10:47 AM EDT

Name: "Sue"

Since we are flying, its going to be a surprise,we will figure it out when we get to Ashville on Thursday,we will shop Friday and have time to cook when we check in at 3pm since dinner is 7Pm.
Time marches on and we are so ready to meet and greet,have a safe trip everyone see ya all soon.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010 - 9:11 PM EDT

Name: "Jeanette"

Something "fresh" & "fishy" from the beach :-)

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