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Reunion Chatter
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Saturday Steak Night

Saturday Steak Dinner

To take place Saturday evening in cabin #39.  Everyone bring your own steak and potato.  This will take place later in the evening after everyone has returned from Asheville. Kevin has volunteered to do the grilling and provide the fixings for the potatoes.  If you don't want to eat late you are welcome to grill your own steaks or make your own arrangements for dinner.


Posted by carolinafamilyreunion at 9:06 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 12 September 2010 5:15 PM EDT
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Saturday, 21 August 2010 - 9:47 AM EDT

Name: "anonymous"

Lee and I are in!!!  I am so looking forward to meeting all of you.  I am SOOOOOOOO excited that Betty Ann is coming!!!  I LOVE HER!!!!!!  Melissa and I have been comserating and it seems we are a lot like... go getters, planners, talkers, shoppers, party girls... I am ready to parrrrrrrrty!!!  ok its early and I'm on muscle relaxers so I will tone it down a bit LOL  I am looking forward to hosting the Fiesta!!! Oh la la bring on the Margaritas!!!  This verification code thing is a PITA can you drop that Melissa???  LOLOL

Saturday, 21 August 2010 - 12:20 PM EDT

Name: "Sue"

Sounds good to me,maybe even get together for a desert fo those who ate earlier.

Saturday, 21 August 2010 - 9:56 PM EDT

Name: "Melissa"

You keep forgetting to leave your name Molly, LOL!  We'll let it slide because you are loopy on muscle relaxers.    Nothing I can do about the code thingy you will just have to be annoyed. ;-)  Can't wait til October.  I hope the two of us don't drive everyone else crazy, HAHAHA. :)

Sunday, 22 August 2010 - 3:33 PM EDT

Name: "Molly **aka anonymous**"

DOes anyone play cards???  Euchre, Setback? we need to get some good card games  I have a good drinking game too LOL

Drinking game


Ace ~ Waterfall (everyone keeps drinking until the first person stops


King ~ Make  a rule


Queen ~ Question (everyone has to ask a question… the first person to screw up, drinks.


Jack ~ Back (last person to drink drinks again)


10 ~ Never have I ever


9 ~ Rhyme (first person picks a word and everyone has to say a word that rhymes first person to screw up drinks)


8 ~ Date ( the person who picks the card’s date has to drink…if they do not have a date they pick someone)


7 ~ Heaven ~ everyone reaches to the sky, last person to do so drinks.


6 ~ Chicks drink


5 ~ Guys drink


4 ~ Floor ~ everyone puts hand down towards floor, last person to do so drinks.


3 ~ Me person who drew the card drinks.


2 ~ You… person who picks the card picks a person to drink.



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